Asbestos has been completely banned in Australia since December 2003. There is a strict obligation to manage and minimise exposure to employees, contractors, visitors and other building occupants. To demonstrate due diligence and meet legislative compliance requirements we can develop systems which provide risk control strategies and include practical and effective solutions to manage the broad range of asbestos risk issues.
The purpose of the assessments is to locate hazardous materials and provide a register that detail the location, extent, condition and risk of the hazardous material. The assessment will assess the likelihood of the presence of:-
- Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)
- Synthetic Mineral Fibre (SMF)
- Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
- Lead Paint
An asbestos management plan will also be developed for sites where ACM is identified in accordance with current work health and safety legislation. The aim of the Asbestos Materials Management Plan is to outline the ways on effectively managing the identified hazards, such as communication strategies, a timetable for action, responsibilities and safe work strategies.
Further Information
Would you like further information? Please contact Bernard Day on [email protected] or 0403 643 382.